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A Magickal Home - Witch Bells

The use of bells is found in many religions, and while the purpose and meaning of bells varies widely among these different traditions, it’s generally recognized that the ringing of a bell communicates a message of some kind to the spirit world. The tinkling sound of a bell can be used to banish unwanted spirits and negative energies, call in positive, desired energetic influences, and/or simply clear stagnant energy in any space throughout one’s home.

Many witches love to hang little bells from their doorknobs as a talisman of protection for their home, the ringing of these bells, when the door is opened or closed, protects the home from negative energy entering.

Making a set of Witch Bells are an easy magickal craft that you can do to add an extra layer of protection to your home. I keep mine simple, by just using string and bells, but you can make your Bells as simple or as elaborate as you’d like.

Witch Bells Protection Spell

This simple but powerful spell will charge your witch bells while infusing your personal energy into their magick. To perform this spell gather the following items:

  • Bells
  • Ribbon or String
  • Skeleton Key or Ring
  • Black Salt
  • White Salt
  • Your Saliva
  • Bowl

Create your bells by tying the bells with a ribbon to your skeleton key or ring. Feel free to embellish the bells with your own personal touches using feathers, beads, or anything else that feels like you and your personal craft.

Once you have created the bells, take your bowl, and fill it with black salt (enough to bury the bells).

Bury the bells in the salt. Next, take your white salt and use it to sprinkle around the bowl creating a circle. As you do this recite the following:

By Wild Moon and night I call

Invoke protection for these bells

That banished ill intent by all

Who cross the threshold where I dwell

Dark Mother cast a ward upon

These bells that guard our home and hearth

And negative energy be gone

A shield is forged in three days forth

Now place a drop of your own saliva into the bowl on the black salt as you recite:

And with my offering binding tight

This fetish to enforce my plea

Exile misfortune and all plight

By Moon and Mother - So Mote it Be!

Leave the bowl under the full moon for three days. When you remove the bells, they will be charged with protection. Place them on your front door to ward off any negative energy. Take the left-over salt and sprinkle it over your doorstep and the front of your house. You can also place a pinch at the corners of your home for added protection.

Phred's avatar


Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.