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A Witch in Her Kitchen

I am a maker of magic. Spells are woven with the kneading of bread and are crafted with the smell of garlic in the air. I am a Kitchen Witch, and although often viewed as superficially mundane, the kitchen is a place for preparation, gathering and celebration – and for me it is one of the most sacred places in my home.

Kitchen witchery is a special kind of magick, the art of preparing and cooking food is a sacred act that is imbued with a playfulness – it’s food not just for the belly, but for the soul. The premise of kitchen magick is simple, you are infusing the mundane with enchantment and intent. It can be as comforting as a broth infused with healing intent and herbs for health to something as fun and whimsical as lemon lavender cupcakes for working with the Fae

Being a Kitchen Witch is ultimately about being ‘at home’ in the kitchen. It’s where you feel most serene and where creating magick comes most instinctively to you. Kitchen witchery is more than cooking—It’s about opening up and letting your magick to flow freely your space and intertwining your energy with all that you do in the kitchen.

Here are a few simple suggestions to begin a journey

A Kitchen Witch’s Manifesto

  • Do not cook, especially magickal cooking, if you are in a bad mood, lack the desire, or feel pressure from nagging obligation to another. This is not the energy you want to bring to your spell work.
  • Keep your kitchen full of the freshest ingredients and at least once a week explore something completely new: a new recipe…a new ingredient…a new technique…a new flavor.
  • Delighten up and play with your cooking! Read the recipe-close the book-then have fun! The more you play, the more you do what you love to do, the more you reconnect with your talents and power.
  • Always sit down when you eat; share most of your meals if you can. Do not rush through your food, take the time to eat with all of your senses, and be present in the moment.
  • Customize your creations and spice them with your own unique hallmark of delicious mystery. As the saying goes, “Don’t be the best at what you do; be the only one who does what you do.”
  • Take a deep breath and bless your kitchen before you cook; clean up all the rampant clutter, light a candle, open a window, turn on music. When in the mood, pour your favorite drink, be it wine, water, whiskey, or an ice-cold root beer in a frosted mug.
  • Create a Kitchen Grimoire of recipes, kitchen tips and correspondences – you can use a beautiful binder of pages in sheet protectors. That way spills are easy to manage, and you can make notes on the plastic as you are creating and make changes and adjustments easily and reprint the pages
  • Trust yourself. Add your own ingredients to this list. This is your magickal practice and there is no wrong way to do it!
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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.