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Creating a Calander for Magic

The New Year is upon us and for those of you looking to live a more magical life, one of the easiest ways to do so is to plan ahead by setting up a magical calendar. Whether you purchased a specific magical planner or not, it’s important to map out important dates to get a sense of what the year has in store for you. But where exactly should you start? What dates are important? What should go onto your calendar to live your best magical year?

Purchase, print, or create your planner.

I know many witches prefer to purchase a magical datebook/calendar that has the most important dates already mapped out. I’ve used these in the past, and they are fantastic, however in my opinion, there are a few drawbacks to planners like this. First, because the dates are already mapped out, you don’t have to do any of the work of committing the dates to memory, even if that commitment is just writing them down during the planning process. Because of this, dates are likely to sneak up on you or pass without your noticing. Second, these planners are not customizable, and you are stuck working with what they give you.

As I’ve progressed on my path, I’ve found that I prefer to set my own calendar up, I like the freedom to create something that represents my personal path. Whatever you choose, just make sure that it works for you, and is something that you will use.

Cleanse and bless your planner.

Whatever your preferred method of cleansing and blessing is, use it. I incense or palo santo, and when I carry out this ritual I like to say something like, “I cleanse and bless this planner to help me plan my magical year, reach my goals, and bring happiness and abundance to all areas in my life.”

Add important dates for sabbats, moon phases, retrogrades, and other astrological events.

If you picked a nonmagical planner, you will need to begin adding major dates to your calendar. The most important dates include major holidays, full and new moons, retrogrades, and eclipses. You can also mark meteor showers, astrology dates, and other astrological events. If you work with specific deities you can add in the days and festivals that are sacred to them. Spend some time figuring out what dates are important to you, and not just dates that are “magical” if you don’t work with all the phases of the moon, including them isn’t as vital as including the dates and times that are needed for your practice.

Write down other important dates as well, such as any traditional holidays you celebrate that aren’t pagan. You will likely not do anything witchy with these holidays, but having them down is always a good idea. Also make sure you note major birthdays, including your own. Your birthday is an extremely powerful day for your magic. Don’t waste it!

Begin planning your magic.

Once all the dates for major holidays and moons are in your planner, you can begin determining when you will set up altars, write rituals, or have a gathering. This may seem like a lot to do, but if you put it in your calendar that you will be setting up your altar or purchasing ritual supplies on a certain day, you are more likely to do so and therefore encounter that magic.

You don’t need to plan your entire year, but I strongly suggest you at least plan through March. This gives you a good solid 3 months to get your year started right. You don’t have to plan something for every single “witchy” event happening throughout the year, but try to plan a few that are the most important to you. I have this nasty habit of missing full and new moons completely and just celebrating the holidays by making a meal (this is something I’m working on this year.) In some people’s minds, I may be an awful witch. That’s fine with me, my path is mine and I know that I practice in a way that works for me. Remember that this is your magical year, so plan it out how you want.

Set goals and plan how to meet them.

Once you have a rough plan on how you will tackle the events you marked on your calendar, start thinking back to those magical goals you may have set for the New Year. How can you use your planner to help you meet those goals? For example, I want to put more effort into the pagan holidays this year (and less on the traditional ones) I’ve made sure to not just mark them in my calendar, but plan out the ways that I want to celebrate and make sure that I’ve given myself time to create the magical experiences that I want.

Whatever your goals for the year are, a good way to meet them is to break them up into small manageable steps and write them down in your planner. Remember to take it easy on yourself. Don’t completely fill your schedule. Leave lots of wiggle room in case life gets crazy or you need a break. You’ll get tired really fast if you have something scheduled every single day. And most of all, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t stick to your calendar. Witchcraft isn’t about being perfect and it most definitely isn’t about sticking to a schedule you may have written months ago.

Carry your planner with you or keep it somewhere you will see and check it often.

It’s all well and good to spend an hour or two putting together your planner, but if you aren’t going to use it, what’s the point? Don’t let your time and energy go to waste! Use the hell out of your planner! Check it in the morning. Check it during lunch. Check it after work or before you go to bed. Add to it often. Move things around. Write notes in it. Stick photographs in the pages to mark your progress. Turn it into a living, breathing, piece of magic.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.