Blog Article

Dreaming Your Life

Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you. ― Marsha Norman

I am born of a little girl with big dreams. Huge. The kind that you spend days building and playing within.

I wanted to be a wife, and a mother – devoted to nurturing and caring for those I was to call mine.

I wanted a witches cottage. Full of color and magick bubbling on the hearth. I had a vision of myself creating a home that welcomed all that crossed the threshold.

I wanted passion and love, the kind that takes your breath away and leaves you yearning for more.

So many things I longed to dream into being. Never did it occur to me I couldn’t have any of those things. But…nothing ever measured up to the fantasy.

For years I was looking ahead of myself, wanting more and more and more. Always more. Not searching for the fantasy, trying to live IN the fantasy. Nothing was ever good enough. I couldn’t see what I had, what was there in my life, reaching for me.

I am an enneagram #4, if you know that lingo, fantasy is my jam. No one, and nothing, lives up to the expectations of a #4.

It has been through my work with Persephone and stepping into my own magickal practice that I have been able to embrace and live here now. To acknowledge and see and accept the now. To feel how I want to feel in my dreams, now. To stop chasing, start feeling what exists here, right here.

I imagine most people when thinking of the life of their dreams, forget that they are living it now. The choices we have made for where we are now are part of our future lives.

It took me years to stop creating fantasy life, to open my eyes and connect to this life. I was a maker of high drama; I would burn things down and play amongst the ashes and then be aghast that I was sitting in the ruins. But there was no space to grow in that intensity. There was no truth or freedom in fantasy, it was a cage of my own creation, and I didn’t recognize that I held the key.

That is what I want to offer you today. The idea that a dream life isn’t on the other side of today, it is today. It can only exist in the here and now. You can make space for it. You can be inside of the feeling. The creation resides within you, you do in fact hold the key.

One small gesture today is the beginning of the future. Connecting to how we want to feel creates our becoming. Releasing the fantasy and opening to the here and the now.

Unbecome to become.

Today is the secret for every day forward. Today. Honoring it and playing in it and taking those small little actions around dreaming your life into being.

How can you have that feeling now? Today? What simple thing can you do today to mingle the feeling of the dream/fantasy/desire to your present?

Begin with the feeling.

What is the feeling of dreaming for you?

Find the feeling. Do one simple thing to create that feeling now, here, in this moment. Make space for the feeling. And step in. Your life is waiting for you.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.