
One of the questions I am frequently asked is, ‘how do I find my deity?’ The truth is, they often find you. If you are called to work with a particular deity, you will know it. They will repeatedly pop up in ways you cannot brush off as mere chance. You might notice strange coincidences start to occur. Coming across a pomegranate tree on your morning walk could be a nudge from Persephone, being visited by a lot of ravens or crows if Odin or Hecate are calling to you. Keep your eyes and your heart open. Another way to ‘find’ your deity is to simply begin exploring, do a deep dive into researching them. Learn about their myths and folklore. Learn about the cultures they come from.

A quick note - it is really important that you are mindful of the culture a deity comes from, and be respectful of that culture. When working with a deity there is a religious and cultural context that they are nestled within, it’s important not to rip them out of that culture with wild abandon. Make sure to acknowledge that cultural context, and treat it with respect.

Now, is it even necessary for you to work with a deity? Absolutely not, you do not have to work with a god or goddess to be an effective witch.

One of my goals this year is to learn more about deities that I’ve never worked with, or worked very little with. One of the first I’ve been drawn to is Holda - a Germanic goddess of both the winter wilderness and the domestic household

Holda is most often known as a goddess of Winter. She was said to bring on the first snowflakes of the year; they were said to be Mother Holda plucking her geese or shaking out her goose-feather pillows and comforters until the down flew. She is the White Lady during this time, the silver-haired goddess who knits the white blanket of the snow. As a goddess of the domestic arts – spinning, cooking, cleaning, and childcare. She is a patroness of housewives, and what she values above all is industriousness. Every kitchen witch who has found magic in the normal arts of domesticity has entered into Holda’s realm.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.
