Blog Article

January is…

January is the time for the warm comfort of the hearth’s fire, hearty food, and the curtains shut tight against the cold winds and the dark night.

It’s time to turn withdraw from the pressures and busy energy of the warmer months and let the direction of the coming year gently unfold. This is a time for quiet reflection and connection with family and friends.

Let the possibilities of the new year emerge in their own time. There is no need to rush.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.