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Mabon and the Magick of our Home

“Smoke of air and fire of earth. Bless and cleanse this home and hearth. Drive away all harm and fear; only good may enter here.”

-Barefoot Five

Autumn is almost here, dear Wildlings. How are you feeling about the waning of summer? Are you enjoying the crisp air that’s beginning to move around us? Darkness is beginning to settle in a little earlier every day. This time of transition is always been one that called to me - the free spirited, wandering part of me is yearning to sink in deeper, to settle into different rhythms. For me, this time is about nurturing and the deeper, quieter magick of the home.

With Samhain approaching, and the ending of the Witches Year, I like to take this time of transition to wrap up unfinished projects and begin dreaming in this new year. Mabon is a great time for hearth and home magic, especially for placing wards around your home. Working spells to bring harmony and peace to the home are especially powerful during this time. Giving thanks to the Earth and celebrating kinship is the theme of this sabbat, so spend this time giving to others and reflecting on what you have to be thankful for.

One of my favorite ways to usher in the changing of the seasons is with a deep cleaning. Many people forget about the magickal activity of cleaning. As self-proclaimed hearth witch, I know that cleaning is a sacred task. While it seems like such a mundane task, many witches (and people in general) forget how powerful it can be. Cleaning can be a way not only to get rid of physical junk, but also rid yourself of spiritual and mental clutter.

My first suggestion for cleaning is to open your windows and doors to help get rid of any built up and stagnant energy. I also like to spray some magickal cleansing spray (recipe below) into the corners of the rooms, or anywhere else that feels like energy gets stuck and gathers. When deep cleaning I suggest wearing your hair up and covered along with keeping the bare minimum of skin exposed. As soon as you are done cleaning you will want to put these clothing in the wash and take a shower, in order to keep these energies from sticking.

To make a magickal cleansing oil mix rosemary, sage, lavender, and a little cinnamon essential oil to make an all-purpose magickal oil (all these herbs have protective and cleansing properties) add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water. You can add this essential oil into any cleaner you use, I recommend an all-natural one.

Once you are done with your cleaning, of both your home and yourself, take some time to set up your Mabon altar. If you haven’t already, clear off your summer decor, clean everything on your altar, then cleanse all of your tools and set them back on the altar. Add back in fall décor, such as pine-cones, acorns, twinkly orange lights, leaves, apples, gourds, etc.

When you are happy with your altar, sit before it, light a candle, and take some time to breathe in this time of transition.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.