Blog Article

Magic by the Moon

Have you ever felt that undeniable pull when you gaze up at the night sky, fascinated by the moon’s luminous glow? If so, you’re not alone. The moons phases have long been observed and held sacred. We’ve watched the tides ebb and flow, witnessed the response of the plants to the moonlight and noticed people’s behavior change at different phases of the lunar cycle. As witches, many of us craft and cast our magic at a time that is going to support the intentions and the purpose of the spell. There are important phases of each lunar cycle that we work with.

Over the next 28 days we’ll be going deeper into the phases of the moon and the magic associated with each phase.

Let’s begin this journey with a breakdown of some of the most common symbolic meanings associated with the moon:

Cycles and Phases: The moon’s ever-changing appearance symbolizes cycles and the passage of time. It’s a reminder of the constant change in life and the natural ebb and flow of things.

Femininity and Motherhood: Often associated with female deities, the moon is seen as a symbol of femininity, motherhood, and nurturing energy. Its soft glow is often contrasted with the harsher, more masculine energy of the sun.

Emotions and Intuition: The moon is often linked to the emotional and subconscious aspect of the mind. It may symbolize intuition, dreams, and the unconscious.

Growth and Manifestation: The different phases of the moon are often used to symbolize stages of growth or the process of manifesting desires, especially in spiritual or mystical practices.

Illumination and Guidance: As a source of light in the darkness, the moon can symbolize illumination, insight, and guidance. It can represent a guiding force or clarity of thought in dark times.

Mystery and Magic: The moon’s connection to the night and its influence on tides and nature have led to associations with mystery, magic, and otherworldly power.

Duality and Balance: The moon’s relationship with the sun has led to it symbolizing duality, such as light/dark, male/female, conscious/unconscious. Its presence helps to create a balance between these opposites.

Transformation and Renewal: Its phases from new to full and back again make the moon a powerful symbol of transformation, renewal, and rebirth.

Whether you’re a seasoned witch or someone just beginning your magical journey, learning about the phases of the moon, and the magic can be an important part of your journey.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.