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Reconnecting With Your Magical Practice

If you’re anything like me, life has been a bit of a struggle lately. It’s often demanding, complicated, and so full of minutia that many of us feel utterly out of touch with our magic on a day-to-day basis. And let’s be honest, this state of detachment to our craft really sucks.

One day it feels like you’ve found that magical space that you’ve been yearning for – the one where you’re in your power, plugged in, and magically attuned to the world around you and then BOOM! life hits and suddenly you’re running around feeling about as un-magical as you possibly can. You notice the disconnect and swear not to let it happen again, so you throw yourself back into the craft, often burning the candle at both ends while you try to juggle your mundane life with your magical practice at the same time. Then without doubt, you fall off the wagon again, life gets in the way of your magical practice and the cycle starts all over again.

What I have been trying to do, to help step out of this cycle is by shifting the way that I see my practice. I’ve begun to think of witchcraft as a filter through which I see my life; one that’s cosmic and beautiful and shows the interplay between me and everything else in the universe.

The whole point of being a witch is to live in that filtered world and to manifest that power in everything you do.

But how? How do you begin to shift out of this cycle?

Stop being so hard on yourself! You don’t have to cast a spell every day to be a witch, that’s not what it’s about. Give yourself permission to ebb and flow with your practice; sometimes you’ll be making lots of magic, sometimes you won’t.

1. Take care of yourself first

Giving back to yourself is a way to renew your energy and foster your ability to work magic without further draining yourself. Take a bath, journal, have a hot cup of tea with a book, go get a massage, spend some time with someone who makes you feel good, whatever it is that makes you feel happy and whole as a person will help to restore your energy. After you spend some time taking care of yourself, you may find that your connection to the craft springs back to life on its own!

2. Create sacred space

This doesn’t need to be anything fancy; it just needs to be somewhere that you’ve designated and designed as a space for you to be in tune with your magic and the energy around you. This might be a small corner of your garden, a candle and journal on your bedside table, or a shelf that’s dedicated to things that evoke that witchy feeling in you. The important thing is that this space is set up to facilitate your connection to the craft and that it’s set aside for only this purpose so that you always have somewhere to go when all you have the time for is sitting for a minute by yourself.

3. Make time for the little things

It may seem unproductive to bring your focus down when what you’re looking for is deep, meaningful connection to the spiritual world but trust me, it helps. By putting a little bit of work in every day and making sure you reach for that magical energy as often as possible even if only for a few moments, you’ll begin to weave magic into the fabric of your life. So what sort of little things are we talking about? That depends on you and your craft and what makes you personally feel connected to it. For me, as a kitchen witch I incorporate a little magic into everything I make.

4. Use music that makes you feel witchy

This might sound a little strange, but if you’re really struggling to feel that connection that you’re looking for, sometimes it can help to just play music that gets you in that magical mindset. Now, some people will enjoy traditionally “witchy” music. Celtic music, chanting, and pagan specific songs can all be great ways to bring that vibe into your life. Not everyone will be into this kind of music though and if you’re not, you don’t have to grin and bear it just to try and connect with your craft. Choose music that makes you feel witchy, it truly doesn’t matter what kind of music you pick, as long as it makes you feel that magical energy. I like to simply play music in the background of my life. If I’m cooking, walking, cleaning the house, or just winding down for the night having the right kind of music in the background can raise my energetic awareness and make every moment a little more attuned to my magical practice. Even if I can’t practice at all this allows me to maintain that mindset of connectivity that so many of us are looking for.

What is always important to remember is that the craft is meant to add to your life, to bring you happiness and allow you the power to change your life in the ways that suit you. It is NOT supposed to be another stressful obligation that you pile on top of all of the other obligations already taking up space in your life!

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.