Blog Article

The Dark Moon

Every 29 and a half days, the moon makes her way around the earth, dancing through the heavens and shifting the sun’s illumination on her as she waxes and wanes. The first half of the lunar cycle is the precursor to the full moon, a time of building and an outward flow of energy. The second half, leading up to the new moon, is when energy flows inward and the moon begins to lose her light. We cannot see the new moon as she has no light on her. The night before the new moon brings us many stars but no moon to light the way. These are the darkest hours of the lunar cycle—as well as the most powerful. This time is known as the dark moon.

The time of the dark moon draws our energy deeply inward, we gain greater access to our desires, our fears, and our intuition. We see the visions of our lives more clearly and understand our future paths. The darkness also softens us. With no light to shine on us, we can become more vulnerable and shed our armor. The dark moon helps us drop our defenses and feel more deeply.

Magic to work during this timeSpells involving going deep within. Working with aspects of yourself you wish to learn more about, banishing, clearing and deep lasting protection. Understanding mysteries, connecting with deities who are considered dark. This lunar phase gives us an opportunity to discover what has been hidden. A wonderful time to ask for secrets to be revealed, to wind up relationships and to release old and unwanted habits.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.