Blog Article

This Beautiful Life

I long ago began changing the language that I used in regards to the daily mundane, I began to bless my family with clean dishes instead of just doing the the dishes. This simple shift in attitude helped me to get over the irritation I felt towards the mess I was confronted with every evening. Language is huge, it shapes and forms our reality, and my simple act of changing the language in which I thought ultimately helped to change and reform my reality. By opening up to all the magick that was woven in and around me, I began to see my life as it was, and it was beautiful.

In her book Living a Beautiful Life Alexandra Stoddard tells us that “None of us can afford to take our daily lives for granted. Time can never be made up. When you deprive yourself of an enriched daily life, you rob yourself of happiness that can be easily achieved—the art of really living. Rituals begin at home. When you invest richness in the things you do every day, it helps to keep daily life from seeming bogged down or frustrating. And making tasks into rituals actually saves time. It takes some effort in the beginning to think about and institute rituals, and to set up your home for them. But you also have the fun of creating them, and then they tend to sustain themselves and you. Rituals help you make the most of time and help you feel you have more of it because you are enjoying yourself more deeply as you flow through the day, adding touches that stimulate enthusiasm and give energy. Daily rituals help eliminate that enervating feeling of being constantly fragmented. A ritual is a mini-performance, whether privately performed or shared with a friend, and it has a life of its own.”

The idea of daily rituals is not only about changing your language, its about the making the mundane into the sublime. Taking “doing the dishes” from the tedious never ending task it is and shaping it into something more. Making the experience something that not only blesses you and your family but restores and rejuvenates you and the soul of your home. For me, daily rituals are the foundation on which my magical practice is built, it is these things that allow me to not just cross over from the mundane world to the magical, but to recognize that I am firmly planted in my magick.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.