Blog Article

Yuletide and Embracing This Time of Quiet Unknown

Every season is unique, weaving a magick all its own, and winter is a powerful blend of subtle and majestic.

The call of the quiet unknown.

During Samhain we welcomed the return of the dark and began our decent into ourselves, with the understanding that all beginnings are nurtured and emerge from that darkness. The Wheel of the Year has continued to turn and we find ourselves at the Winter Solstice.

It is during this time that we plumb the depths of that darkness, and we begin to connect to the inward pulling energy of the winter season. It is a time for hibernation, introspection, and quiet reflection. We draw into the center of our lives, curl up beneath blankets and next to the warmth of the fire. We pull into the heart of ourselves, answering the call of our spirit to return home.

It is here, as the cold fingers of Winter caress the earth that we can turn to nature for guidance. Trees have been laid bare and are burrowing their roots deeper into the earth, suspending their growth for winter, retreating inward towards rest and renewal. Without this resting time, nature would rapidly wear itself out. So, too, must we rest our spirits in the comfort and protection of our home. It is perfectly natural to want to shut out the world, to slow down and shift your focus inward. Instead than fighting against this urge, find ways to appreciate, embrace and use it. By supporting ourselves with this seasonal cycle we are connecting with deep traditions of living in harmony with the earth, rather than against it

It seems like everything sleeps in the winter, but it’s really a time for renewal and reflection – Elizabeth Camden

2020 has been an incredibly overwhelming time for many, and I believe that this year, it is even more important to acknowledge and embrace the seasonal end…and new beginnings that are ushered in. Take some time to get in touch with yourself and reflect and regroup; discover what serves you and what doesn’t; what you would like to continue and what you are ready to let go of. It’s essential to allow yourself time to indulge in rest and self-care so that you can move into the coming year with refreshed energy, and a restored spirit. This time of quiet unknown is an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality.

My wish for you this season is that you allow yourself the opportunity to sink deep into the center of your being, to give yourself the space to dream anew.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.