Cord Removal

Are you feeling drained for no reason? Do you have difficulty setting energetic boundaries and feel like you just can’t say no? Maybe it’s time for a little energetic housekeeping. Cord Removals are a great way to remove the energetic cords that are connecting you to others and allowing them to drain you. By removing these cords, you take your energy and power back. Don’t know how to start or want some outside help? We got you! We’ll set up a time and perform the removal for you.

Are you feeling drained for no reason? Do you have difficulty setting energetic boundaries and feel like you just can’t say no? Maybe it’s time for a little energetic housekeeping. Cord Removals are a great way to remove the energetic cords that are connecting you to others and allowing them to drain you. By removing these cords, you take your energy and power back. Don’t know how to start or want some outside help? We got you! We’ll set up a time and perform the removal for you.