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Wandering the Woods: Finding Mabon Inspiration in the Hedge Witch Path

As the wheel of the year turns once more, we find ourselves on the brink of Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance, gratitude, and preparation for the winter ahead. For hedge witches, who tread the line between the mundane world and the mystical, Mabon serves as a significant moment to connect with the energy of the earth, honor the cycle of life, and harness the wisdom of nature.

Mabon, celebrated around September 21-23 in the Northern Hemisphere, marks the second harvest festival and the day when daylight and darkness are in equal measure. This balance signals a shift from the abundance of summer to the Introspective nature of autumn. Traditionally, Mabon is a time to give thanks for the harvest, reflect on the year, and prepare for the coming winter months. It is also a time of letting go, as nature begins to withdraw and prepare for the dormancy of winter.

Hedge witches are often defined by their connection to the land and their ability to navigate both the physical and spiritual realms. Being a hedge witch means working with natural elements, herbalism, and embracing the cycles of nature. Mabon provides a unique opportunity for hedge witches to celebrate the earth’s bounty, honor their ancestors, and manifest intentions rooted in gratitude and balance.

The Energy of Mabon: Reaping What You Sow

Mabon invites us to take stock of our lives, acknowledging the fruits of our labor while also recognizing what we need to let go of. Just as farmers harvest crops, we can harvest the lessons learned from the past year and determine what we want to carry forward into the darker months.

Gratitude: This season is a reminder to cultivate a sense of gratitude. Take time to acknowledge the blessings in your life, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Write them down or create an altar dedicated to thankfulness.

Reflection: Reflect on the past year. What goals did you set during Imbolc or Ostara? Have you stayed true to your path? Mabon is an opportune time to assess, realign, and make adjustments if needed.

Letting Go: As we prepare for winter, consider what no longer serves you. This could be habits, relationships, or even mindsets. Create a letting-go ritual where you symbolically release these aspects — perhaps through writing them down and safely burning or burying the paper.

Celebratory Practices for Mabon

As a hedge witch, your practices might include a blend of traditional rituals and personal interpretations. Here are some ideas for celebrating Mabon in connection with the earth and spirit:

Create a Harvest Altar: Set up an altar to honor the season, use natural items you’ve gathered during your nature walk, such as autumn leaves, stones, or branches. Incorporate symbols of the harvest, such as pumpkins, apples, and grains. corn, acorns, and other seasonal produce. Light candles in earthy tones or shades of orange, red, and gold, and perhaps include photographs or mementos of ancestors you wish to honor. Use this space for reflection while meditating on your personal harvest and the energies you wish to embrace moving forward.

Nature Walk and Gathering: Spend time in nature, observing the changing colors of leaves, the coolness in the air, and the signs of approaching winter. Take a stroll through a nearby park or forest, observing the changes in nature. As you walk, gather herbs, acorns, pinecones, or any fallen leaves and fruits that call to you. Use these items in your rituals or in herbal preparations for the coming season. This practice strengthens your connection to the land, reminding you of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Be mindful and express gratitude for what you collect, whether they are for future spells, decoration, or culinary use.

Host a Mabon Feast: Gather friends or family for a celebratory feast filled with seasonal dishes. Incorporate foods like squash, apples, nuts, and grains into your meal, and take time to share gratitude for the blessings of the year. Encourage participants to express what they are grateful for, making it a powerful communal experience. As you dine, take time to reflect on what you are grateful for this year.

Balance and Reflection Ritual: Mabon is a powerful time for inner reflection. Light a candle and, in a quiet space, take a moment to meditate on your personal balance – the aspects of your life that feel in harmony and those that need attention. Consider journaling your thoughts or creating a list of intentions for the coming months, focusing on how to maintain balance in your life.

Autumn Equinox Ritual: Perform a ritual honoring the balance of light and dark. Light two candles — one representing the sun and the other the moon — and place them on either side of your altar. Meditate on the balance within your life, feeling gratitude for the light and allowing yourself to process the shadows.

Journaling Intentions: As the leaves fall, so too can we release what no longer serves us. In your journal, write down intentions or goals for the coming months. Reflect on how you can nurture yourself during the darker season, incorporating self-care practices that acknowledge your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Hedge Witch Spell Work: Use this time to work with intentions that resonate with the themes of balance, harvest, and gratitude. You could create a charm bag with autumn herbs and seeds, representing new beginnings as you prepare for the darker months. Focus on releasing what no longer serves you, while inviting in energy that nurtures your spirit.

Connecting with Ancestors: Mabon is an opportune time to honor your ancestors and those who have passed. You can light a candle in their memory, create an ancestor altar, or leave offerings of food and drink on your main altar. Take time to speak with them, inviting their wisdom and presence into your celebration.

Connecting with the Spirit World: Hedge witches have a special affinity with the spirit realm and the ancestors who guide us. During Mabon, consider reaching out to your ancestors through meditation or prayer. Light a candle in their honor, and offer them gratitude for the wisdom they impart.

You may also want to incorporate divination practices, such as tarot or scrying, to gain insight into the coming months. The energies of balance during Mabon can provide clarity about your journey and reveal hidden opportunities.

Embracing the Cycle

Mabon offers a glorious opportunity to reconnect with nature, honor the earth’s cycles, and integrate the lessons from the past year into our lives. As hedge witches, our practice is deeply entwined with the seasons, reminding us that we are connected to the rhythms of nature and honor the balance that this time of year brings. By celebrating the autumn Equinox with intention, gratitude, and reflection, we not only acknowledge the gifts of the earth but also prepare ourselves for the introspective journey that winter holds.

This Mabon, let nature guide you, may your heart be filled with gratitude, and may you always find balance in your practice as you navigate the ever-turning wheel of the year.

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Phred is a story-teller, and a maker of art. A gatherer of beauty and magick, weaving it all together to create a life less ordinary. A shape-shifter and a seeker of pleasure who’s magick is rooted deeply in the darkness of the underworld and the comfort of the hearth. An alchemist of words and images spinning them together to inspire others to step into their own magick.